Monday, November 30, 2015

Behold: A Selfie Stick for Large Format Cameras


If you thought the idea of a smartphone selfie stick was peculiar, get this: photographer Jesse Chehak has created a gigantic selfie stick for his large format camera, and it actually works.

The Large Format Selfie Stick (LFSS) consists of a 4×5 Graflex press camera attached to the end of a thick 8-foot-long pole. A shutter release cord is used to expose a sheet of Polaroid Type 55 film, which was discontinued back in 2008 (a box of it costs hundreds of dollars these days).

Here are a couple of sketches Chehak drew and shared with friends while coming up with the design:



Here are some photos showing the Large Format Selfie Stick in action:



Here are some resulting photos showing what it can help create:






You can follow along with this project via the tag #thelargeformatselfiestick on Instagram. You can also find more of Chehak’s work on his website.

P.S. Boston University Professor Kate Palmer Albers, who specializes in the history and theory of photography, recently wrote an interesting piece about this selfie stick on her website Circulation | Exchange. It’s worth a read.

from PetaPixel

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