Sunday, November 29, 2015

Cats in Hats: Costume Portraits for an Animal Rescue

Cats In Hats

Photographer Shaina Fishman and stylist Ryen Blaschke recently collaborated on a project to help rescue cats get adopted. The lighthearted series “Cats in Hats” features shelter cats and kittens wearing Halloween hats and accessories fashioned by Blaschke.

An estimated 3.4 million cats enter animal shelters every year in the US, Fishman says, and these cats risk being neglected because so much attention is given to dog rescue.

The cats were found at Brooklyn Animal Action and photographed in the homes of volunteers who are fostering the cats. Each of the costumes is a person or character that most people will easily recognize. Yes, the kitty above is the Donald Trump cat.

Cats In Hats

Cats In Hats

Cats In Hats

Cats In Hats

Cats In Hats

Cats In Hats

Cats In Hats

How many of the costumes above can you name?

from PetaPixel

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